MiR Optomechanical Engineering consists of a group of very experienced professionals who, together with their close partners, develop and deliver custom telescopes optimized for laser communication and Satellite-Laser-Ranging for geodesy applications.

Our Telescopes are in fact entirely realized in carbon fiber, which is the only material that guarantees zero thermal expansion, exceptional stiffness and lightweight.

Of course we also offer any kind of turnkey engineering solutions in the fields of opto mecahnics, precision optics, photonics, and opto electronics.

MiR is based in Berlin, Germany, and operates with great agility globally.

Since the beginning of 2022, its main partner has been General Atomics Synopta, a highly regarded company based in Eggersriet, Switzerland. MiR is directly involved in the development of mechanisms for many Synopta products for ground and terrestrial applications.


  • Dott. Michele Restivo, Dipl. Ing.

    CEO and founder
    Opto-Mechanical Engineer

    Michele studied at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and at the Politecnico di Milano. He is based in Berlin, Germany, since 1992. He has 20+ years experience in designing telescopes for space and terrestrial applications, GSEs and mechanisms for all sorts of missions.

  • Dott. Dr. Paolo Spanò

    Optical Designer and Quality Manager

    Paolo holds a PhD in physics from the University of Palermo. Based in Merate, Italy, he is an expert in design, metrology and characterization of optical systems.

  • Dott. Massimo Riccardi

    Master Optician and Optical Designer

    Massimo is one of the most experienced and renowned Master Opticians and optical engineers in Europe today.
    Several innovative optical recipes widely used in astronomical instruments today proudly bear his name.

  • General Atomics Synopta

    Our Partner for Opto Electronics and Photonics

    GA-Synopta Ltd. was founded in spring of 2004 in Eggersriet (SG), Switzerland, with the business purpose of strategic/technical consultancy and development/production of opto-electronic equipment and other high-value capital goods. GA-Synopta offers the development and production of complex opto-electronic instrumentation for space and terrestrial applications.